Spirit of Faith Church

Giving Online

For Spirit of Faith Church

There are several ways you can give online to Spirit of Faith Church, Dimapur Nagaland India.

UPI Payment ( Enter the following details in any payment app)

Name: Spirit of Faith Church
UPID ID: sfcdimapur@hdfcbank

You may also give through internet banking.
When transferring funds from your account, please include the following information:

Account Name: Spirit of Faith Church
Account Number: 50200092709370
IFSC Code: HDFC0001815

Scan the QR code

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*After sending your offering, please notify the church office through Whatsapp or text message to: (+91) 7423-802-205. Please include your name and the amount of your giving. This will help us with keeping accurate records.

For giving to John Roughton Ministries, inc. please click here.

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Please see that you have read the information on the enroll page thoroughly first.

If yes, kindly fill in the following details and we will contact you shortly.

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