Spirit of Faith Church

Rules of the SFBS 2024

1. Students must obey these rules while attending Spirit of Faith Bible School. Students who break school rules will be disciplined and may be expelled from school.

2. Students must submit to school authority by following the instructions given by resident assistants, teachers, or church staff. (Obviously, we are not asking you to do anything that violates the Scriptures or your own conscience.)

3. Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are not permitted on church grounds. Any student found taking illegal drugs, drinking alcohol, or using tobacco while on or off campus will be immediately expelled. Students are also not permitted to chew pan or gamble.

4. Students must attend all class sessions and all English church services. In case of illness, the resident assistants will determine what appropriate action needs to be taken.

5. All students will stay in the dormitory while enrolled at SFBS. Students are not permitted to spend the night with relatives or friends in Dimapur.

6. Visitors who desire to meet with students must first report to the church receptionist and obtain permission from the church office. We do not permit anyone to disturb the class while in session.

7. Profanity and vulgar language is forbidden. Students must not gossip, slander, or create strife. Students who harass, tease, and ridicule others will be punished. Students who continually create disturbances or quarrel with others may be dismissed.

8. Student must not participate in any illegal activity. Guns, knives, explosives or other harmful things are not permitted in the church compound.

9. Sexual immorality in any form (adultery, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, masturbation, and voyeurism: that is, “peeping Tom”) is absolutely forbidden, and will result in immediate expulsion from school.

10. Students are forbidden to touch a person of the opposite sex in a romantic way: hugging, holding hands, kissing, caressing, etc. Married couples will limit affection to their quarters.

11. All students are requested to keep their personal belongings carefully secured with a lock, in the dormitory. Though SFBS will try to maintain security, the school cannot be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items in the dorm. Please do not keep large sums of cash in the dormitory. Students may deposit money and expensive articles with the church office for safe keeping.

12. For class, men should wear trousers, button up shirt, and shoes. Men may not wear half-pants or tee-shirts. A nice golf shirt or tee-shirt is permissible and nice looking jeans (no torn or ragged) jeans are permissible.

13. Women may wear dresses, skirt and blouse, sari, salwar, or ladies pants to class. Women may wear cosmetics in moderation. Women should never dress provocatively. Low-cut blouses, short-skirts, transparent clothing, and excessive make-up are not appropriate for Bible School.

14. We want all students to learn without distraction. For this reason, students are not allowed to have cell phones, laptops and mp3 players. We have found from experience that this creates a disturbance for other students.

15. Every Friday the students will be given a written test on the topics covered during that week. A final comprehensive test will be conducted in the last week of class. Students with low scores may not be recommended for graduation.

16. Students will be involved in evangelism while enrolled at SFBS. All students are required to participate, as it is part of your training. At times, students will be asked to testify, serve in helps ministry, or participate in the church service.

17. SFBS has a very strict media policy. If a student is found passing derogatory or disparaging comments about this ministry, namely our Church, the Bible School, the Pastors and staff members on social media, it may lead to expulsion. No chatting with Bible school or church staff online. We ask you to be very judicious.

18. Aside from all the rules listed here, all students are expected to follow their conscience, behave in a way that is pleasing to God, and to manifest Christ- like character at all times, both in their actions and attitude.

19. There are three levels of responses to students who disregard these rules. If a student commits a minor offense, he will receive a verbal reprimand, which will be reported to the school authorities. If the offense is repeated, or if a more serious infraction is committed, the student will be called to meet the school authorities. After that, a student who breaks the rules will receive a written warning. For some offenses the student may be punished, for example, he/she may be required to do more chores or to repair damage done. For the most serious offenses or if there is a pattern of disobedience, the student will be dismissed.

20. Dismissed students will be asked to leave the premises within 24 hours. They will be given no refund of school fees. The student will be asked not to return to Bible School or visit church compound for any reason without permission.

21. The school fee is non-refundable. The school will not return any portion of the school fees to a student who either drops out of school or is dismissed.

Please take note that the above stated rules may be amended if the School Administration feels the need to do so.

The School fee has been fixed at Rs.15000, payable in 5 installments of Rs.3000 each. The student has to clear the first installment by paying Rs.3000 immediately on being selected. After that the acceptance letter shall be given out to the respective student.

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